Finally it happened and while mom Gauri Khan had teased us all a few months ago sharing with us that their daughter Suhana Khan is indeed doing a photoshoot, Dad Shah Rukh Khan at the 'Vogue Beauty Awards 2018' held a while ago in Mumbai, launches her first Vogue cover on magazine's August issue. Yes! After Janhvi Kapoor graced a magazine cover recently, it was now turn for SRK-Gauri's daughter Suhana and she is looking mesmerizing in the cover photoshoot.
Suhana looks gorgeous clad in Emilio Pucci multi-colored outfit posing on mag's cover.
Dad SRK shared the Vogue August issue that marks the debut of daughter Suhana on a magazine cover, on his Instagram page. In the two picture post, he also added the other of himself launching it at 'Vogue Beauty Awards 2018'. His adorable and emotional caption reads- "Holding her in my arms again thanks to @vogueindia . ‘What imperfect carriers of love we are...” except when it comes to our children. So sending u all my love & a big hug. Hello Suhana Khan!"
About 4 months ago in March 2018, Gauri, at 'Hello Hall Of Fame Awards', had revealed this secret that Suhana is shooting for a magazine cover, saying, “Suhana is shooting for a magazine. I don’t want to reveal the name but that’s the most exciting thing I am looking forward to this year.”
The mother had made us very impatient how the daughter was gonna look in it and its finally here.
The cover introduces Suhana as -- "Hello Suhana Khan. Student, Theatre Lover, Future Star".
So do we see Suhana following into the steps of Janhvi? Or her bestie Ananya Panday, who's making her Bollywood debut with Tiger Shroff's ''Student Of The Year 2'?
Well, there's time as Dad has said before that Suhana does want to get into acting but needs to finish studies first.
Gauri shared another super hot picture of Suhana from her Vogue cover shoot.
So how did you find Suhana's look on Vogue cover. Do let us know in comments section below and stay tuned to Filmy Monkey for all the latest updates.