New Delhi: With its strong opening weekend, ‘Stree 2’, the horror-comedy sequel directed by Amar Kaushik, is on its way to being 2024's first blockbuster. According to, the film, which featured Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, is set to have earned Rs 90.30 crore net in India in the first two days after its release. The success of the film at both single-screen and multiplex cinemas is evidence of its popularity.
With special paid previews on Wednesday generating Rs 8.5 crore, ‘Stree 2’ had a remarkable debut. The film made Rs 51.8 crore on Thursday, and it is anticipated that Friday would bring in roughly Rs 30 crore. With these profits, the film can easily become the first Indian film to collect Rs 100 crore rupees in its first three days, bringing its total earnings close to Rs 90.50 crore.
The film's second-day occupancy remained strong at 37.46%, even though it had a 42.08% drop in receipts compared to its opening day.
The box office performance of ‘Stree 2’ will likely take a further leap this coming weekend, thanks to the Raksha Bandhan holiday. With a chance of surpassing Rs 200 crore by Monday, the film is expected to earn about Rs 170 crore throughout the course of the four-day weekend.
On the same day as 'Stree 2'—Akshay Kumar's Khel Khel Mein and John Abraham's action film 'Vedaa' premiered. Nonetheless, no film has done as well at the box office as 'Stree 2'.
About ‘Stree 2’
'Stree 2’ is part of Maddock Horror Universe. Starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, ‘Stree 2’ picks up where the first film left off. The protagonist, Sarkata, has transformed into a terrifying monster who forces the citizens of Chanderi town to seek out Stree's assistance. Varun Dhawan, who plays Bhediya, is only one of several famous actors who make cameo appearances in the film. The film also stars Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, and Aparshakti Khurana.