Mumbai: Sonali Bendre was diagnosed with cancer last year and since then; she has worked towards surviving her vicissitude. The actor was called as a guest at the 5th International Conference of CAHOCON in Mumbai on Saturday.

The ‘Sarfarosh’ actor took part in the discussion at the 5th International CAHOCON (Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organisations), which is aimed at ameliorating healthcare, and raising awareness amongst consumers and stakeholder.

The 5th International CAHOCON, which commenced on April 12, ends on Sunday.

While addressing the audience, the cancer survivor said, “You are taught that be tough. You can bear the pain; you have to bear a child. So, you internalise that and so you are always thinking that I can bear the pain. I kept telling myself that I am putting in an 18 hour a day, so obviously, I am fine, I am not dying.”

Sonali Bendre looks gracefully brave on magazine cover after winning over cancer; Check out her photo shoot pics here!

She accepted her ignorance towards what her body was facing, “The body was sending me signals; I wasn’t looking at it as I should have.”

“That’s where it started for me, not listening to the signals. I went in for a TCRE procedure. We suddenly discovered that something was there. And then we came to know it wasn’t just there, it spread all over,” Bendre explained.

Discussing further on the need to have insurance, “We need to have insurance. Half the time we think this isn’t going to happen to me and when it happens, you realise it can happen to anyone and you need to be prepared.”

The actor said, “It is a disease that is scary; it can’t be diagnosed very easily. Early detection is what is most important when this disease is concerned.”

Sonali came out fiercely on social media and shared what she was going through, “As I shared it on my social media, the response that I got was shocking for me.”

“There were people from all strata’s of society writing into me and saying, this happened to my aunt, to my son, grandmother. And suddenly I thought if this has been so prevalent, why have I never heard of it?”

Sonali thanked the panel and gratuitously expressed her happiness to have been called there. The actor firmly said that she would be happy in laying out any support in any way possible.