Mumbai: After he recently took a dig at a Bollywood actor, without taking name, alleging power play and alleging that the music industry is run like the mafia, Sonu Nigam has now come down on T-Series chairman and MD, Bhushan Kumar. Sonu has shared a new Instagram video on Monday morning, which he captioned: "Laaton ke mafia baaton se nahi maante (you cannot reason with the uncouth mafia with words)."

In the video, the singer says in Hindi: "Bhushan Kumar, ab toh tera naam lena hi padega mujhe. Aur ab tu tu ke layak hai. Tune galat admi se panga le liya (Bhushan Kumar, now I have to mention your name. And now, you deserve being addressed without respect. You have messed with the wrong person)."

Also READ: Post Sushant Singh Rajput’s Death, Sonu Nigam WARNS ‘You Might Soon Hear About Suicides In The Music Industry’ Says 'Khoon Ke Aansu Rote Hai Kabhi Kabhi Bechare'

"Tu bhul gaya woh time jab tu mere ghar pe aake… ‘bhai bhai meri album kar do. Bhai 'Deewana' kar do. Bhai, Smita Thackeray se milwa do, Bal Thackeray se milwa do. Abu Salem se bacha lo. Abu Salem galiyaan de raha hai'... yaad hai na? Yaad hai ki nahi yeh sab cheezein? Main tujhe keh raha hoon mere muh mat lagna ab tu bas. (Do you remember the time when you used to come to my home requesting me… ‘brother record an album for me. Brother, record Deewana for me. Brother, introduce me to Smita Thackeray and Bal Thackeray. Save me from Abu Salem. Abu Salem is abusing me'… do you remember? Don't mess with me, I am warning you)."

"Marina Cover yaad hai na? Woh kyon boli, woh kyon back out kiya yeh mujhe nahi pata. Media ko pata hai mafia kis tarah function karta hai. Uska video mere paas padha hai. Ab agar tune mere se panga liya, toh woh video main apni YouTube channel mein dal dunga. Samjha? Mere mooh mat lagna (Do you remember Marina Cover? I don't know no why they spoke and why they backed out, but media knows how the mafia functions. I still have that video with me. Now if you mess with me, I will upload that video on my YouTube channel. So don't mess with me)."

In a recent video posted on Instagram, Sonu Nigam had appealed to music companies (without taking names) to be a little kind towards newcomer artistes, saying otherwise more people will commit suicide. He had mentioned in his previous video that currently two companies rule the music industry. He had also claimed falling prey to power play by a Bollywood actor.