After dating for six long years, Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone finally got married to boyfriend Ranveer Singh in November last year. During the same time, there were reports that Deepika's ex-boyfriend Nihar Pandya, who is set to make his acting debut with Kangana Ranaut's much-awaited 'Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi', is set to tie the knot with popular singer Neeti Mohan in February. While, the couple is still mum about their wedding, a source close to the couple has confirmed to a leading daily that the wedding is indeed happening!
Neeti Mohan (Photo: Web)
The singer, who will be replacing Monali Thakur to judge the Colors' upoming singing reality 'Rising Star 3' along with Diljit Dosanjh and Shankar Madadevan, still doesn't want to talk about her wedding.
Nihar Pandya (Photo: Instagram)
Speaking about the same, a source informed the leading daily that, "The duo were keen to keep their secret under wraps. And now that it is out, they are trying to keep other details from leaking out."
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The Mumbai Mirror report further states that, "Neeti was even planning to bow out of the press conference of another upcoming show, MTV Unplugged, presumably to avoid questions about the wedding."
Deepika with Nihal Pandya (Photo: Web)
As per earlier reports, the couple dating each other since four years now and are now all set to take their relationship to the next level by getting hitched. Neeti & Nihar's wedding ceremonies will be a private affair whereas they will host a reception for their industry friends.
For the uninitiated, rumours were rife a decade ago that Deepika Padukone & Nihar Pandya were in a relationship. The couple reportedly met at their acting school and came close. After dating for few years, Deepika & Nihar parted ways. While Deepika went on to become a top Bollywood actress, Nihar is yet to make his mark in entertainment industry.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Singer Neeti Mohan set to marry Deepika Padukone's ex beau Nihar Pandya next month!
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
16 Jan 2019 03:59 PM (IST)
Neeti Mohan & Nihar Pandya are reportedly dating each other since last four years and are now all set to take their relationship to the next level.
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