Mumbai: Filmmaker Rohit Shetty who is for the first time collaborating with actor Akshay Kumar in his directorial venture "Sooryavanshi" will start shooting for the action-cop drama from May. "We will begin shooting for the film in the month of May. It's a long one year's journey before releasing the film," he said.
The female lead of the film was not finalised, he said.
"We will announce the female lead in next 2-3 days," Shetty said on the sideline of Hindustan Times Most Stylish Awards 2019 here on Friday.
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Shetty is also producing a "action-thriller" web series.
"I think from January next year we will start shooting for it. It is being made on a big scale, that's why it is taking time. We have been writing it from the last two years."
"Sooryavanshi" is being produced by Karan Johar. The movie will release on Eid 2020, clashing with Salman Khan and Alia Bhatt-starrer "Inshallah".
Shooting of Akshay Kumar's 'Sooryavanshi' to start from May!
Updated at:
31 Mar 2019 09:32 AM (IST)
After Ranveer Singh & Sara Ali Khan's 'Simmba', the producer-director duo of Karan Johar & Rohit Shetty are all set to reunite with 'Sooryavanshi' featuring Akshay Kumar in the lead role.
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