Bollywood's yummy-mummy Shilpa Shetty Kundra & Raj Kundra's son Viaan Kundra turns six years old today (21st May). One of the hottest stars in Bollywood, Shilpa Shetty took to Instagram to express her feelings as she is celebrating the 6th birthday of her little munchkin Viaan. Shilpa has posted few adorable pictures with son Viaan along with a heartfelt message as she wishes him on his birthday.

Shilpa with son (Photo: Instagram)

She posted the pictures with the caption, "21st May 2012 ????A new me was born. 6yrs today..The dichotomy of wanting you to be my baby forever and excitement of seeing you grow up and your achievements in this life..Difficult choices!! Want to hold you in my arms for longer today, like when you were a baby.. the toddler is gone ,now there’s a little boy and tomw there will be a young man in his place .. but you will always be my baby.. Happy birthday my son, love you more than you would ever know????????#unconditionallove #birthdayboy#6 #gratitude #blessings"

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Check out Shilpa's post here:

Shilpa's hubby & businessman Raj Kundra too wished son Viaan by posting a video along with an adorable message. He captioned it as, "My little munchkin turns 6 today can’t believe how time has flown. Thank you @theshilpashetty for making me a proud father :) Happy Birthday my Son @viaanrajkundra #happiness  #blessed#family #son #happybirthday"

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Check out Raj Kundra's post below:

Shilpa Shetty has been a dedicated mother & has perfectly balanced her work-commitments along with motherhood.

Shilpa is very excited for son's 6th birthday & her heartfelt message for Viaan will surely touch everyone's heart. Here's wishing him a very happy birthday!