New Delhi: Shaitaan, starring Ajay Devgn, Jyotika, and Madhavan, was a mystery from the moment its creators revealed its title, according to Vikas Bahl. The filmmakers released a more than one-minute trailer of the film on Thursday, showcasing its spine-tingling content. After the filmmakers unveiled the first look on Wednesday, the teaser further validated everyone's suspicions: Madhavan will portray the wicked Shaitaan.
Madhavan's voice-over opens the teaser, explaining how he tricks unsuspecting people. He says, “They say the world is deaf. And yet, they follow every word of mine. I am the darkness, and temptation, from sinister prayers to forbidden spells, I rule the nine circles of hell.”
He adds, “I am the poison and cure both. I am a silent witness to everything endured. I am the night, twilight, I am the universe. I create, sustain, destroy, so beware. They say that I spare no one. There’s a game…do you want to play? It has only one rule, no matter what I say, you must not be tempted.”
Sharing the teaser, Ajay Devgn captioned it as, "Woh poochega tumse... ek khel hai, kheloge? Par uske behkaave mein mat aana!
#ShaitaanTeaser out now!
Taking over cinemas on 8th March, 2024."
Additionally, voodoo dolls and other paraphernalia are shown in the teaser, suggesting that the movie will deal with dark magic. Ajay and Jyotika are afraid to approach Madhavan after seeing his menacing smile at the end of the teaser.
The release of Shaitaan is scheduled for March 8. The main actors have been giving away clues in their captions, despite the fact that the makers have been very cautious to keep the narrative under wraps.