Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput are all set to welcome a little bundle of joy soon. The celebrity couple, who are parents to one-year-old Misha, announced the arrival of their second child in the cutest way possible. Speculations are rife for some time that Mira has been offered TV commercials by leading baby product brands. As per the latest buzz, the star wife has finally shot for her very first commercial, isn’t it interesting?

Mira recently shot for her first baby product commercial at the YRF studios recently, a report in a leading daily said. She worked like a thorough professional and completed the shot in one-take, the report added.

“Yes, Mira Rajput shot an ad for a foreign baby product. She worked like a thorough professional and got it right in one take; in fact, no one could believe that this was her first commercial. She is very camera friendly and performed with great dignity and confidence,” says the source, adding “No doubt Mira is a one-take artist, but if the director wanted her to do another take, she would have readily done it without throwing any tantrums. That’s how professional she is,’’ a source told Deccan Chronicle.

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Interestingly, Shahid Kapoor’s entire team was there on the sets to take care of her pregnant wife. The ‘Padmaavat’ actor is a doting husband, isn’t he?

In case, you are thinking that you might get to see Misha in the commercial, we have to stop you right there. Mira shot for the commercial alone, as per the report.

“Mira acted alone in this commercial and she did a wonderful job. It will surely be a rage amongst mothers having babies,” an unit source told the daily.


The commercial will take some time before it hits the TV screens as post-production work remains to be done.

Also Read- Shahid-Mira to welcome their second child in October; actor to resume Arjun Reddy's shoot post paternity break

Talking about Shahid, the actor will be next seen in Shree Narayan Singh's 'Batti Gul Meter Chalu'. The film, which also stars Shraddha Kapoor, will hit the silver screens on September 21.

Are you excited to see Mrs. Shahid Kapoor in a TV commercial? Tell us in the comments section below.