Mahendra Singh (MS) Dhoni’s daughter Ziva is internet’s most favourite child as her pictures and videos go viral in no time. The three-year-old adorable munchkin is a showstopper when its comes to social media presence. After returning back from the England tour, Dhoni attended former Union Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel's daughter Poorna Patel's mehendi and sangeet ceremony in Mumbai. ‘Captain Cool’  was joined by his wife Sakshi and daughter Ziva at the grand function. Other celebrities like Zaheer Khan, Gautam Gambhir, Nushrat Bharucha, Guru Randhawa and Freddy Daruwala were seen at the star-studded affair.

Ziva has already made the fans go aww with her singing skills and this time she set the stage on fire with her dance moves. The cutie pie grooved with her mumma Sakshi and Bollywood actress Nushrat Bharucha on Enrique Iglesias’s ‘Bailando.

Check out the video right here on our Instagram handle.

You simply can’t miss this cute picture of  Dhoni’s family from the sangeet function.

Considering it was a sangeet ceremony, Sakshi also shook a leg on some popular Hindi tracks. The videos of the same were shared on MS Dhoni’s fan pages on Instagram.

RP Singh, who reunited with ‘Mahi’ after a long time shared a picture with a hilarious caption. We are also guessing what the three of them are actually discussing.

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