New Delhi: Weekend has been abuzz with Priyanka Chopra opting out of Salman Khan’s film ‘Bharat’ because of her wedding with Nick Jonas. Everyone was shocked when director Ali Abbas Zafar informed about this on twitter. It was then confirmed that Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have got engaged.

Earlier in the day we told you that during Vogue Beauty Awards 2018 Kangana confirmed Priyanka-Nick’s engagement. It is also being said that PeeCee will get married in October.

You will be shocked to hear this but Shah Rukh Khan has reacted to Priyanka’s engagement. While interacting with media on Vogue Beauty Awards 2018 red carpet, Shah Rukh almost reacted to Priyanka Chopra’s wedding.

He said, “Haan me bhi kar raha hoon, tumko me nyota bhejunga main. Mera card aayega reception or na mehendi pe zaroor aana.”

Check out this video:

The last film Priyanka Chopra did with Shah Rukh Khan was Don 2 in 2011. Since then the actors have not worked together.