New Delhi: Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, who was last seen in ‘Angrezi Medium’, left for his heavenly abode on Wednesday (April 29) at Mumbai’s Kokilaben hospital. He was 54. The ‘Hindi Medium’ actor was admitted to ICU because of a colon infection. Several Bollywood celebs including Amitabh Bachchan, Priyanka Chopra and Ajay Devgn mourned the talented actor’s death on social media.

READ:  Irrfan Khan Death: Big B, Ajay Devgn, Parineeti Chopra & Others offer Condolences Mourning His Sudden Demise!

Shah Rukh Khan, who worked with Irrfan Khan in ‘Billu’, called him ‘the greatest actor of our times’. The ‘Zero’ actor offered condolences on Twitter.

“My friend...inspiration & the greatest actor of our times. Allah bless your soul Irrfan bhai...will miss you as much as cherish the fact that you were part of our lives.

“पैमाना कहे है कोई, मैखाना कहे है  दुनिया तेरी आँखों को भी, क्या क्या ना कहे है” Love u,” SRK wrote on the micro-blogging site.

Irrfan Khan played the lead role in ‘Billu’, which was produced by Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment. King Khan was seen in a supporting role in the comedy drama co-starring Lara Dutta.

lso READ: Irrfan Khan Leaves A Lasting Legacy. Here Is The List Of His Top 10 Movies You Need To Watch

Irrfan Khan's funeral took place in Mumbai on Wednesday afternoon.

"Irrfan was buried at the Versova kabrastan in Mumbai at 3pm this afternoon soon after the news of his passing away was announced. In presence were his family, close relatives and friends. Everyone paid their final respects and mourned the loss of his passing away. We pray for his peace and we hope he’s in a better place today. He was strong in his fight, and we all have to be strong too in this loss," a statement released by actor's team read.

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