New Delhi: Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan who died after a prolonged ailment, left an irreparable dent in India’s film industry. With his versatile acting skills, Khan had also made a mark at international level.  The acclaimed Bollywood actor was last seen in Angrezi Medium in a father-daughter tale of love, the sequel to his 2017 hit "Hindi Medium". However, his health condition prevented him from promoting the movie, which hit the theatres in March just before the lockdown that began on March 25.

Irrfan's death came the morning after news that he had been admitted to the ICU with a colon infection.

On April 12, Khan had tweeted “Mr. Champak’s state of mind: Love from the inside, making sure to show it outside!” Mr Champak was the name of Irrfan’s character in Angrezi Medium. It was posted along with one of his dialogues from the movie, “Inside, I am very emotional, outside I am very happy,” which now acquires a huge significance as his last ever public message on Twitter.

The tweet came during the streaming of his movie, on Disney Plus.

Days before his last message, he had also tweeted in support of migrant labourers’ problem during lockdown in India, in the wake of coronavirus pandemic.

It is the second tragedy for the family in less than a week. The Maqbool actor lost his mother, Saeeda Begum, in Jaipur just four days ago and could not attend the funeral because of the nationwide lockdown.

Must  Watch: This is Irrfan Khan's last audio message to the world