New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is all set to release on September 7, and his fans eagerly await to see King Khan in a new avatar on the silver screen. The Atlee directorial also features Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, and others. The Central Board of Film Certification(CBFC) has finally provided a U/A certificate to the film with a few cuts. The approved runtime of the film is 2 hours and 49 minutes.
A copy of the censor board certificate is doing the rounds on social media that also discloses the changes made in the film. Suicide visuals were asked to be reduced. The violent visuals of the beheaded body were asked to be removed. An 'out of context' reference of the Honourable President of India was replaced with the term 'Head Of State.' This was done at another place where the dialogue was replaced with 'Bravery medal'. NSG (National Security Guard) was changed to IISG in the film. Apart from these, a few dialogues were also modified.
'Jawan' is reportedly Shah Rukh's most expensive project, with a budget of Rs 300 crore. Six world-renowned action directors were roped in for the film, making it the first of its kind film in Indian cinema to have six different action directors. Spiro Razatos, Yannick Ben, Craig Macrae, Kecha Khamphakdee, Sunil Rodrigues, and Anal Arasu were brought on board to ensure the action sequences were a visual spectacle.
According to a source close to the project, "Jawan's action has been choreographed by 6 of the biggest action directors, Spiro Razatos, Yannick Ben, Craig Macrae, Kecha Khamphakdee, Sunil Rodrigues and Anal Arasu. They have choreographed the action for some of the best films globally. Jawan incorporates a wide range of action formats, encompassing hand-to-hand combat, exhilarating bike sequences, heart-pounding truck and car chases, and more. These meticulously designed action sequences are integral to the film's narrative, adding depth and realism to the cinematic experience. With the combined talents of these six exceptional action directors, Jawan is poised to be out an out-action entertainer.”
'Jawan' will release worldwide in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.