Actor Shah Rukh Khan, who turned 54 on Friday, greeted his fans and waved at them as they waited outside his residence, 'Mannat' to wish him. One of the fans told ANI, "I have come from Delhi to see Shah Rukh Khan. He is my idol."
Another fan said, "I have come here from Nagpur. I have come here for 12 times in the past but never got to see Shah Rukh. I hope I get to see him today."
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After a few time, the 'Dilwale' actor, who was seen sporting a black sweatshirt paired with blue denim, greeted the fans from his balcony and waved at them.
With lot of flying kisses, he also expressed thankfulness for showering immense love and wishes on him.
The actor also expressed concern about his sleeping neighbours by requesting the overjoyed fans to lower their cheers a bit.
On work front, Shah Rukh has been away from the big screens for almost a year now as his last movie 'Zero' was released in 2018. However, the actor has recently promised his fans for an official announcement about his next project come in soon.
A few days back, Shah Rukh appeared on American TV host David Letterman's talk show, My Next Guest Needs No Introduction on Netflix, which garnered a lot of attention, obviously!