New Delhi: One of the leading faces in the theatre and film world, veteran actor Shabana Azmi's mother Shaukat Kaifi breathed her last on Friday evening after suffering a cardiac arrest. Born in Hyderabad, she married late Urdu poet Kaifi Azmi at a very early age. She along with her husband was among the prominent names in the Indian People's Theatre Association (IPTA).
Today, remembered as one of the leading actors in the industry, Shaukat Azmi has played unforgettable parts in over a dozen films one of which have been nominated for the prestigious Academy Award.
Including a number of national award-winning films in her credits, here's a scan at the actor's Bollywood journey:
1- Umrao Jaan (1981)
The 1981 release directed by Muzaffar Ali starring Rekha, saw Shaukat essaying the role of Khanum Jaan, the madam of a brothel in Lucknow, where Amiran (Rekha) is sold.
2- Garam Hava (1974)
The actor also starred in the National Award-winning film co-written by husband Kaifi Azmi with Shama Zaidi. The MS Sathyu directorial had noted actor Balraj Sahni leading as Salim, and Shaukat playing the role of Jamila, Salim's wife.
It depicted the struggles of a North Indian Muslim family post-partition in 1947.
3- Salaam Bombay! (1988)
The Mira Nair directorial was nominated for the Academy Award in the Best Foreign Language Film category and also won a National Award for the Best Feature Film in Hindi. Centred on the everyday struggles of children dwelling in Mumbai's slum, the late actor starred as Gangu Bai, the madam of a brothel.
4- Heer Ranjha (1970)
Based on the popular legend of two lovers, the Chetan Anand directorial also had Shaukat in a pivotal role along with a host of other actors.
5- Faslah (1974)
The 1974 drama featured Shaukat as the lead Raman Khanna's mother - Parvati S. Chandra. Meanwhile, her daughter Shabana also starred in the film as her daughter-in-law Asha Premchand.
The movie is directed by Khwaja Ahmad Abbas.