Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh's daughter and two films old Sara Ali Khan has been making a buzz since her debut and the latest have been the news related to her ongoing shoot of her next film 'Love Aaj Kal 2' opposite Kartik Aaryan. Last week Sara and Kartik's video of a steamy liplock on the sets and then their shoot pictures early this week went viral. The film is said to be the sequel of the original 2009 movie which starred her father Saif, Deepika Padukone and Giselli Monteiro in lead roles. Sara's next film could've been opposite 'Uri : The Surgical Strike' actor Vicky Kaushal and that would've been equally exciting but she reportedly has turned it down.

Recent reports claimed that Sara was offered a role in the biopic of Udham Singh. However, she politely turned down the offer as she felt it wouldn’t give her enough exposure as an actress. Besides, her dates were also reportedly clashing with her next project with Imtiaz Ali.

Vicky Kaushal's 'Uri' has turned out a blockbuster earning 242 crores at the Box Office. Vicky will play the title role next in Shoojit Sircar's 'Udham Singh' and looks like Sara is being wise with her decisions in choosing films ahead.

There were also rumours that Sara was offered 'Baaghi 3' which she denied later, tagging them as false and baseless.

Coming back to 'Udham Singh'..

Shoojit Sircar, who is helming the project, praised his male lead Vicky Kaushal to the skies and said he is excited to work with the ‘Uri’ star.

ALSO - Kartik Aryan reveals he will take Sara for DATE after fulfilling Saif’s wish!

Freedom fighter Udham Singh had assassinated Michael O’Dwyer, former Lieutenant Governor of Punjab of British India in 1940 to avenge the horrors of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.