Actor Ranveer Singh says Prime Minister Narendra Modi had urged the young members of the film fraternity that they should try to choose content which propagates the message of "inclusive India and unity."
Ranveer had met the Prime Minister, along with Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Vicky Kaushal and Ayushmann Khurrana, among others, in Janaury this year.
"I met the Prime Minister recently, we had a very pleasant meeting. We apprised him what we as young members of the film fraternity are doing.
pic credit: Instagram
"He had something to say to us, which was, that if possible, we should choose content that has in it a message of inclusive India and unity," Ranveer told reporters.
The actor said his upcoming "83", which chronicles India's first cricket world cup victory, is a film which will make the country proud.
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"I was very happy to report to him that my next film '83' is one such film where it's truly team India. You have gentlemen from all across the country coming together to make the nation proud.
"It's also an extraordinary underdog story that I'm very happy and proud to be a part of."
Ranveer was speaking at the announcement of 64th Vimal Filmfare Awards on Monday.
The actor said his purpose in life is to entertain people and he will do his best towards that goal.
"I believe my calling in life is to be an entertainer. So the best thing I can do is to fulfil what I believe is my purpose in life, that is to do my best to entertain people. When it comes to being a responsible citizen, I think I am," Ranveer said.
Ranveer Singh on his meeting with Narendra Modi: PM advised us to choose content with message of inclusive India
Updated at:
12 Mar 2019 11:28 AM (IST)
"I met the Prime Minister recently, we had a very pleasant meeting. We apprised him what we as young members of the film fraternity are doing, said Ranveer"
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