Saif Ali Khan & Amrita Singh's daughter Sara Ali Khan has been flooded with offer even before her Bollywood debut. The popular star-daughter, who is set to make her acting debut opposite Ranveer Singh in Rohit Shetty's 'Simmba', reportedly has signed another film. Reportedly, Sara Ali Khan has signed David Dahwan's next film in which she will be paired opposite Varun Dhawan. Yes, Varun is reuniting with father David Dhawan & gorgeous Sara Ali Khan is also a part of the same film.
Sara Ali Khan (Photo: Instagram)
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According to an entertainment portal, Rohit Dhawan will turn producer with the film. This means that the Dhawans are teaming up for the first time for a film which makes the project more special.
A source close to development spoke about the untitled film & told Bollywood Hungama that, “Rohit Dhawan is turning a producer and his maiden venture will be directed by his father David Dhawan. Varun Dhawan is expected to play the lead and Sara Ali Khan has been signed for the film.”
Varun has worked with father David Dhawan in hit films like 'Main Tera Hero' & 'Judwaa' whereas Rohit has directed him in his profitable venture 'Dhishoom'. Now, it'll be interesting to see them working together for a film. Also, Varun's pairing with Sara Ali Khan will be a refreshing one.
Varun Dhawan (Photo: Web)
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However, the makers as well as the actors are yet to react on the same.
Speaking about Sara Ali Khan, the actress has already wrapped-up 'Kedarnath' opposite Sushant Singh Rajput & is currently busy with Rohit Shetty's 'Simmba'. Abhishek Kapoor's 'Kedarnath' was supposed to be her debut film but it has now been postponed to next year. Whereas, 'Simmba' is said to be releasing on 28th December this year making it the debut film of Sara.
Stay tuned for more updates!
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