Salman Khan's 'Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai' has been making waves ever since the project was announced. The much-awaited film was slated to hit the silver screens on Eid 2020. However, the flick couldn't release on its scheduled date as cinema halls were shut due to the COVID-19 crisis. Ardent fans of Bhaijaan have been eagerly waiting for the release of the movie. Speculations are rife that 'Radhe' will follow the likes of 'Laxmii Bomb', 'Sadak 2' and 'Gulabo Sitabo' and premiere directly on an OTT platform. The rumours created a lot of buzz on social media as movie buffs want to watch the film on the big screen.

Is Radhe Releasing On OTT Platform?

The makers of the action drama have squashed all the rumours of 'Radhe' releasing on a leading OTT platform. Interestingly, the producers are eyeing an Eid 2021 release for the film. Bollywood critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter to put an end the speculations floating on the internet.

"#RADHE #OTT RUMOURS BASELESS... There was speculation in the *exhibition sector* that #Radhe - starring #SalmanKhan - will skip theatrical release... Will stream on #OTT directly... FALSE... The producers are clear, #Radhe will release in *cinemas*, eyes #Eid2021 release," Adarsh tweeted.

Will Radhe Release On Eid 2021?

If Taran Adarsh's tweet is to be believed, the makers are planning to release the film on Eid 2021. The producers are yet to make an official announcement about the film's release date. Interestingly, Salman Khan has entertained the audience with a film on Eid since 2009. 2013 was the only year when his movie didn't hit the cinema theaters. The 'Bharat' actor shot for a romantic number with his on-screen ladylove Disha Patani in Aamby Valley last month. The cast and crew resumed shooting for 'Radhe' from October 2 and wrapped up the shoot on October 14.

WATCH: Salman Khan Wraps Up Shoot Of 'Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai'; Makers To Announce Release Date Soon!

'Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai' also stars Disha Patani, Jackie Shroff and Randeep Hooda in key roles. The film has been directed by Prabhu Deva, who directed Salman in 'Wanted' and 'Dabangg 3'. The highly-anticipated flick is said to be the remake of South Korean movie 'Veteran'.

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