Mumbai: Salman Khan has denied gifting a flat to internet singing sensation Ranu Mondal. Asked about the reports stating he had gifted Ranu a flat, Salman told IANS on Monday evening: "That's false news. Even I have heard this. What I have not done, there is no credit for that. I have done nothing like that." For quite some time, rumours were doing the rounds that the Bollywood superstar has gifted the singer a flat worth Rs 55 lakh. Some even speculated that he has gifted the roadside singer-turned-internet star a car.
How viral video helps poor woman Ranu in getting a complete makeover
A woman named Ranu Mondal, who became Internet sensation after her video of crooning the evergreen Lata Mangeshkar hit, "Ek pyaar ka nagma hai" went viral, has reportedly got a chance to participate in a reality singing show, and has also received a makeover from the show's makers.
Photographs doing the rounds on Internet show Ranu at a salon and getting a makeover. The photographs of Ranu's new look were shared on the Facebook page 'BarpetaTown The place Of Peace'. The page has also earlier shared the video of Ranu singing. The video crossed over 2.4 million views in a short while, with blessings and praises pouring in for her soulful voice. "God gifted voice...I request everyone to help this poor talented lady," a user commented. Praising Ranu's voice, another user wrote: : "Such talent needs recognition." Ranu, who used to make a living by singing at Ranaghat railway station in West Bengal, is now reportedly getting offers to croon for television shows.
Here's What Salman Khan Said On 'Gifting Flat' To Internet Singing Sensation Ranu Mondal
Updated at:
24 Sep 2019 10:03 AM (IST)
For quite some time, rumours were doing the rounds that the Bollywood superstar has gifted the singer a flat worth Rs 55 lakh. Some even speculated that he has gifted the roadside singer-turned-internet star a car.
Salman Khan has denied gifting a flat to internet singing sensation Ranu Mondal.
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