New Delhi: Master blaster Sachin Tendulkar gave a thumbs up to Diljit Dosanjh's upcoming flick, 'Soorma' after attending the screening of the film along with daughter Sara Tendulkar and wife Anjali. 'Soorma' is based on the life of legendary hockey player Sandeep Singh. Taking to his Twitter, Tendulkar stated that the movie is a must watch as he praised the inspiring story. "A real story portrayed beautifully on reel. @flickersingh's determination to play for India is truly commendable, enjoyed watching #Soorma a lot. My best wishes to the entire cast and crew. @imangadbedi @diljitdosanjh @taapsee," he wrote.

Sachin also praised the movie and the struggle Sandeep went through in a video that the film's lead actor Diljit Dosanjh posted on his Instagram page today. WAtch below:

The movie is a true story of human spirit, about a player, who made headlines for his miraculous comeback after an unfortunate accident.

It is a lesser known fact that Sandeep has been hailed as one of the world' most dangerous drag-flickers of all time with drag speeds of over 145 km/hr which led to his nickname, 'Flicker Singh'.

'Soorma' will also feature Angad Bedi in a pivotal role, aside from Diljit and Taapsee.

Produced by Sony Pictures Networks Productions, Chitrangda Singh, and Deepak Singh, 'Soorma' is written and directed by Shaad Ali.

It is slated to release on July 13.

Also watch Diljit Dosanjh's interview during recent Delhi promotion of 'Soorma' where he also talks about working with Taapsee Pannu. Below:

(With inputs added in ANI copy)