New Delhi: 2018 will see the launch of several star kids in Bollywood, be it Janhvi Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan or Ananya Panday. Saif Ali Khan and his first wife Amrita Singh’s daughter will be making her debut with Abhishek Kapoor’s Kedarnath opposite Sushant Singh Rajput. Sara will also be seen in Rohit Shetty’s Simmba where she has been casted opposite Ranveer Singh. Fans have been eagerly waiting to see the duo of Saif and Sara on the silver screen and if the latest buzz is to be believed, the two might team up for a film soon.
Saif, who was last seen in Kaalakandi, has a lot of projects to choose from and he may work with his daughter in one of the films by Nitin Kakkar, a report in a leading daily suggested. For the uninitiated, Nitin has previously directed Filmistaan.
“Nitin and I have been in talks for a film, but it’s in the early stages. We haven’t finalised it yet. The script is good,’’ The Sacred Games actor told DNA.
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The film will be a slice-of-life-relationship drama about a dad and his daughter, the report said. Interestingly, Saif has already played the role of a father in the film Chef, which released last year.
“It’s a comical, but poignant take on the friendship and the equation that exists between a baap and his beti. But it will have a message, too,’’ the source told the daily.
(Saif, Sara and Ibrahim)
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Sara Ali Khan has been approached to play the role of the daugter and if things go in place, this will be the daughter-father duo’s first film together.
“Nitin has also approached Sara Ali Khan for the role of the daughter. This will probably be Saif and Sara’s first film together. Both of them have liked the story and have verbally given their nod. Now, the modalities and the dates need to be sorted out. Sara and Saif were Nitin’s first choices and the makers thought it would make for an interesting casting coup,’’ the source further told the daily.
(Sara's look from Kedarnath)
The report also stated that Saif is taking a keen interest in Sara’s career and has played a key role in getting her on board for the film.
Are you excited to see Sara and Saif together for the very first time? Tell us in the comments section below.
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