New Delhi: Bollywood veteran Rishi Kapoor, who is in United States with wife Neetu Kapoor and son Ranbir Kapoor for medical treatment, had a "wow" moment at a chance meeting with Hollywood star Robert De Niro. The 'Mulk' actor took to his official Twitter handle to share a happy selfie with Ranbir and De Niro along with a message. The post read, "Wow moment. Impromptu meeting with Robert De Nero on 65th and 3rd. He knew Ranbir coz he had met him and Anupam and said come over with Kher for a drink! Simplicity and super stardom. I realized I have been such a bloody brat. Cannot get over his demeanor. Thank you Bob !"

The three are all smiles as they pose for the camera.

Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor & his parents Rishi Kapoor & Neetu Kapoor in New York PICS

The senior actor had recently met his 'old friend', actor Anupam Kher, and his 'Agneepath' co-star Priyanka Chopra along with Sonali Bendre and her husband Goldie Behl. He had also met Javed Akhtar a few days back.

In a cryptic tweet last month, Rishi announced that he was traveling to America for medical treatment. Before his well-wishers could jump to conclusions, the 'Kapoor and Sons' star asked them not to speculate his leave of absence.

On the work front, De Niro will be seen in three films including 'The War with Grandpa', 'The Irishman' and 'Joker'.

While Rishi Kapoor last appeared in 'Mulk' and will next be seen in 'Rajma Chawal'. On the other hand, Ranbir, who was last seen in 'Sanju', the highest grosser of his career, is gearing up for his next film 'Brahmastra'. (ANI)