Mumbai: Bollywood veteran Rishi Kapoor who was hospitalized on Wednesday after he complained of breathing problems breathed his last on Thursday morning. The 67-year-old actor was been admitted to Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai. Wife Neetu Kapoor is at his side.

Rishi Kapoor died this morning, his brother Randhir Kapoor told the Press Trust of India on Thursday morning.

The sudden demise of Rishi Kapoor a day after Irrfan Khan's death has left Bollywood devastated with the entire film fraternity mourning his death on social media.

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Incidentally, Kapoor, who is known to regularly tweet on social media, has not done so after April 2.

In 2018, Rishi Kapoor was diagnosed with cancer for the first time, following which the actor was in New York for nearly a year to undergo treatment. He returned to India in September 2019 after recovering.

Post return to India, Kapoor's health has frequently been in focus. The actor was admitted to hospital in quick succession in February. Amid speculations about his health, he had been hospitalised in New Delhi in early February, while on a visit to New Delhi.