The Monday morning came with a shocking news for the Bollywood industry as the veteran action and stunt director Veeru Devgan, the father of actor Ajay Devgn passed away at the age of 85. Veeru Devgan was admitted due to age related issues and he breathed his last at Surya Hospital, Santacruz in the morning today. The celebrities and friends-family started to arrive at Ajay and wife Kajol's residence since noon to offer their condolences while the actor was spotted making arrangements for his late father. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Mahesh Bhatt, Sanjay Dutt, Sunny Deol & many other other celebrities were spotted at their house.

And the mortal remains of late Veeru Devgan are just being taken for the last rites. Ajay Devgn along with other male members including actor Vatsal Sheth who's very close to the Devgn family, were lending shoulder to the dead body of the veteran celebrity.

The funeral will be held here at the Vile Parle West Crematorium.

The Bollywood celebrities including Aamir Khan, Varun Dhawan, Madhuri Dixit, Vivek Oberoi, Mahesh Bhatt and others have also taken to social media to extend their heartfelt condolences to Ajay Devgn and family on the passing away of his father.

RIP Veeru Devgan- Aamir Khan, Madhuri Dixit, Varun Dhawan & other Bollywood celebs express their condolence over Ajay Devgn father death

Veeru Devgn made a very rare public appearance and probably his last, during 'Total Dhamaal' screening in Mumbai along with his wife Veena and son Ajay Devgn early this year in February.

Veeru Devgn had choreographed action and stunt sequences for multiple Bollywood films since the 70s which included Roti Kapda Aur Makaan, Mr. Natwarlal,  Inkaar (1977), Kranti (1981), Himmatwala (1983), Shahenshah (1988), Tridev (1989), Baap Numbri Beta Dus Numbri (1990), Phool Aur Kaante (1991) and many more.

Apart from directing action sequences for films like "Himmatwala", "Mr. India", "Khatron Ke Khiladi", "Phool Aur Kaante", "Dilwale" and "Laal Badshah", he had directed the 1999 film "Hindustan Ki Kasam", starring Ajay and megastar Amitabh Bachchan.

Our condolences to the family!