Mumbai: Filmmaker Kunal Kohli is all set to bring Ramayana to the celluloid as "Ramyug" but the director says he will be cautious while adapting the Hindu epic for the big screen.  The filmmaker "hopes and prays", the film, titled "Ramyug", will not run into a controversy, which has often been the case with mythological and historical projects. The epic was first adapted for television by Ramanand Sagar in 1988, the story also saw renditions in 2008 and 2012. "I have always been cautious while making any film. I got into a problem while we were making 'Fanaa.' These are unfortunate things that happen. One has to be cautious, which is why we have people like Narendra Kohli, our consultant.

"If you see his body of work, you'll realise how accurate he is. Hopefully there'll be no problem. We have had Ramayan on TV till recently. So I hope and pray that we don't have these problems," Kunal told reporters.

For the film, which goes on floors this year, the director has locked a fresh-faced star cast.

"I have found my actors. The cast is ready and soon I'll be making that announcement soon. I didn't consider any of the people I worked with. I wanted to make it with fresh faces," he said.

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The film is penned by Kamlesh Pandey, who has previously written films such as "Tezaab" and "Rang De Basanti", among others. Composer duo Sajid-Wajid have been roped in to give music for the film.

Kunal says Ramayana continues to be a "relevant and modern" tale.

"There's no story more progressive and modern than Ramayana. We think of ourselves as progressive because we speak a certain language but those thoughts and ideas (of Ramayana), how could they be outdated? How can a way of life be outdated?"
The film will be shot in Mauritius.