New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor’s 'Animal', which is doing wonders at the box office, has received an extreme response from the viewers with one section loving the film while others criticising it for its misogyny, toxicity, and violence. Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma loved the film and posted his review of the film on X and said he would like to touch director Sandeep Reddy Vanga and Ranbir’s feet for making the movie. He has been tweeting about the films since its release. 

Now in a new interview, the filmmaker spoke about the criticism Ranbir starrer is getting. He told Connect FM Canada, “That’s the nature of a violent film and the director has been saying that from the beginning. ‘You will see what violence is,’ he had said. So you are pre-warned even in the trailer and interviews. And then to call it violent, I find it funny. See the whole point of a film is to startle you and to provoke an emotion. Shock is one of the emotions. Many times I was surprised in the film, but it can be an unpleasant surprise to some people and when sudden shock comes, it disorients them.” 

Ram Gopal Varma also spoke about the much talked about scene where Ranbir’s character asks Tripti Dimri’s character to lick his shoes. The filmmaker was not convinced with the scene and thought it to be inconsistent. 

 “I think that scene was inconsistent because only in that scene I felt Ranbir was out of character. Also, the character of Triptii evokes so much empathy.” He also explained that Triptii’s character felt genuine to him. The filmmaker added, “So to be so rude and crude to her, I felt Ranbir’s character fell down below her in that scene, which never happened in rest of the film,” he said in the interview. 

Meanwhile, the film has has crossed Rs 500 crore mark at the worldwide gross box office. The film, also starring Bobby Deol, Anil Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna, earned Rs 527.6 crore within six days of its release.