Mumbai: Actor Rajkummar Rao has given a modern twist to Lord Shiva's avatar as the poster of forthcoming film "Behen Hogi Teri" features the actor dressed up as the deity, seated on a silver motorbike.

Amul Vikas Mohan, the film's producer, shared the poster on Twitter and captioned it: "The teaser poster for 'Behen Hogi Teri' is here... Trailer out soon... Rajkummar Rao, Shruti Haasan, Gautam Gulati."

Actor Rajkummar Rao also took to Twiiter and shared the poster with caption, 'Here's the new poster of #BehenHogiTeri. Trailer out soon'

In the poster, Rajkummar is seen in a get-up like Lord Shiva, wherein he sports a long mane, a moon crescent on his head, a rudraksh bracelet -- and he sits casually -- with a bored look on his face -- atop a bike with slippers on his feet. The backdrop is of a street with shops with their shutters down.

Directed by Ajay K Pannalal, the film -- said to be a romantic comedy -- also stars Gautam Gulati and Shruti Haasan in the lead roles.