Malayalam actress Gauthami Nair married long-term boyfriend, director Srinath Rajendran in a private ceremony at her residence in Alappuzha, Kerala on Sunday.

Gauthami Nair

The wedding news came out as a huge surprise for the fans, who were awaiting the actress to reveal her fiance's name officially. The wedding was attended by only the family members and close friends of the couple.

Srinath was the director of Gauthami’s debut movie Second Show. It was also the movie in which popular actor Dulquer Salman had made his debut.

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Last seen in Campus Diaries, Gauthami Nair is yet to sign her next film. Speaking about her acting career post marriage, Gauthami was quoted by Manorama as saying, "I think my life will be pretty much the same after wedding. I have my studies going on. In between, if some good roles come by, I will go ahead with it, obviously. I can't be completely out of the industry, that's not possible."

Check out pictures of their marriage here:

Congratulations to the couple!