Last seen in Aanand L. Rai's 'Zero', Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is back in the news. A case was filed against Shah Rukh Khan in 2017 by a Railway vendor named Vikram Singh whose trolley was damaged when the actor was travelling from Mumbai to New Delhi as a part of the promotional strategy of his film 'Raees'. Later, the 'Kal Ho Na Ho' actor had filed a petition for the cancellation of the FIR. In the latest turn of events, the petitioner has withdrawn the case filed against SRK but Rajasthan High Court has refused to let go the actor.

A stampede-like situation occurred on the platform in 2017 (Photo: Web)

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As per reports, Public Prosecutor Sher Singh Mehla said that the petitioner now cannot decide the case as it involves the damage of public property. Hence, Rajathan HC will still pursue the case against SRK and the next hearing is scheduled for 28th May.

This is indeed a bad news for SRK & his fans!

For the uninitiated, the petitioner had filed an FIR against SRK under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) including 147: rioting, 149: unlawful assembly, 160: affray, 427: mischief causing damage, 120B: criminal conspiracy, Section 3 of prevention of damage of public property, 145: drunknness and nuisance and 146: obstructing railway employees from their duties of the Railways Act 1989.

On the career front, SRK's last few films including 'Jab Harry Met Sejal', 'Zero' failed to do well at the box-office and the actor is yet to announce his next film.

Stay tuned for more updates!