The countdown for Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ wedding has begun. The two lovebirds will be getting hitched on December 1 and 2 and fans are super excited for the same. We have been keeping you well informed with all the updates related to NickYanka’s wedding and we shared with you the first picture from Umaid Bhawan Palace, where Priyanka’s mehendi ceremony will take place. The ‘Quantico’ actress’ family members including mom Madhu Chopra, brother Siddharth Chopra and cousin Parineeti Chopra arrived in Jodhpur on Thursday and the now the latest guest to reach the city is PeeCee’s BFF Arpita Khan Sharma.

Arpita, who was also present at Priyanka’s engagement bash in August, was spotted at Jodhpur airport with her son Ahil. Although, we didn’t see her husband Aayush Sharma, we are hopeful the ‘LoveYatri’ star will make it to the wedding, considering Arpita’s close bond with Priyanka.

Arpita is reportedly one of the few guests from Bollywood, who have been invited for the wedding.

Priyanka and Nick will get married according to Hindu and Christian rituals in two different wedding ceremonies. The couple will host two wedding receptions in Delhi and Mumbai for the 'Fashion' actress' close friends and family members.

Watch this space for more updates!

NickYanka Ki Shaadi: Bride Priyanka Chopra to wear Ralph Lauren bridal gown for her Christian wedding!