After Deepika Padukone and Ranveer’s dreamy wedding in Italy, Bollywood is gearing up for Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ wedding in Jodhpur. The two lovebirds, who had their roka ceremony in August this year, are all set to tie the knot according to Christian and Hindu rituals. PeeCee and the ‘Right Now’ singer will get married in a Christian ceremony on December 1 at Umaid Bhawan Palace. They will also exchange vows as per Hindu rituals on December 2 in the presence of their family members and close friends.

Nick Jonas’ father Paul Kevin Jonas Sr, who arrived in Jodhpur with his wife Denise Jonas on Thursday, will officiate the Christian wedding ceremony, as per a report in an international magazine. Papa Jonas, who is a pastor, recited a prayer at NickYanka’s roka ceremony, the report in Vogue magazine said.

Our ‘Desi girl’ will be wear a Ralph Lauren bridal gown for the Christian wedding. The ‘Quantico’ actress is said to make a stylish entry in a helicopter at Umaid Bhawan Palace so as to avoid the paparazzi.

Priyanka and Nick will be giving personalised gifts to their guests attending their wedding. The couple is said to host two wedding receptions for their family and friends in Delhi and Mumbai.

Priyanka Nick Wedding EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Cricket match between Nickyanka; Mehendi, Sangeet, Haldi & MORE!

Priyanka-Nick's wedding venue has been decked up beautifully with purple lights and the stage is set for their sangeet ceremony. Security has been beefed up at the Palace and the guests have been asked to not carry their phones.

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