The 'Baywatch' actor showered love on her husband by posting a cute mirror selfie where Nick is seen kissing Priyanka on the cheeks. She added a short note reflecting on the day when the 27-year-old musician asked her to marry him.
"To the greatest joy of my life. 2 years ago on this day you asked me to marry you! I may have been speechless then but I say yes every moment of everyday since," she wrote.
"In the most unprecedented time you made this weekend so incredibly memorable. Thank you for thinking of me all the time. I am the luckiest girl in the world! I love you @nickjonas," she added.
Responding to the post, the 'Jealous' singer dropped an adorable comment and thanked his superstar wife for "saying yes" to the marriage proposal.
"Thank you for saying yes. I love you beautiful," Nick commented on the post.
Priyanka and Nick got married in two elaborate ceremonies at Jodhpur's Umaid Bhawan Palace-- as per Christian tradition on December 1, 2018 and as per Hindu rituals on December 2.
Continuing the celebration, the duo then hosted a wedding reception in Delhi. Post that Priyanka's mother Madhu Chopra threw a party for their close friends and family.
They also hosted a wedding reception bash in Mumbai which was attended by the who's who of Bollywood.