New Delhi: Bollywood veteran Rishi Kapoor, who recently flew to the United States with wife Neetu Kapoor to seek medical treatment, spent quality time with his 'Agneepath' co-star Priyanka Chopra. Taking to Instagram, 'The Sky Is Pink' star shared a picture of the trio, in which a blonde-haired Rishi can be seen sitting on a couch, and Priyanka and Neetu sitting behind him. "Was so good seeing you both @neetu54 #RishiKapoor laughter and smiles as always!!," Priyanka captioned the post.

Check out PeeCee's Instagram post below:

Rishi Kapoor suffering from CANCER? Brother Randhir Kapoor REACTS on the big news

Rishi Kapoor catches up with 'old friend' Anupam Kher; Video goes VIRAL

The 'Kapoor and Sons' star also recently met his 'old friend', actor Anupam Kher, in Manhattan, New York.

In a cryptic tweet last month, Rishi announced that he was travelling to the US for medical treatment. Before his well-wishers could jump to conclusions, the 'Mulk' actor asked them not to speculate his leave of absence.

"Hello all! I am taking a short leave of absence from work to go to America for some medical treatment. I urge my well-wishers not to worry or unnecessarily speculate. It's been 45 years "plus" of wear and tear at the movies. With your love and good wishes, I will be back soon!" the 66-year-old's tweet read.