However the wedding was called off at the last minute and Priyanka Chopra's mother Madhu revealed that it was a mutual decision between both the families after groom-to-be Siddharth came up to his mom and told that he was not ready for the marriage.
Desi girls Priyanka Chopra & Deepika Padukone PARTY TOGETHER at Met Gala 2019 after party!
Now, a report revealed that after her wedding got cancelled, Ishitta has gone back to London where she was staying. The report also stated that she has got a nice job there and wants to put this phase behind her and is putting all her efforts to do that.
Clearly, she wants to put the Siddharth chapter behind her and has moved on from him. Ishita had posted a picture of herself with the caption, “Back in London, Time to focus on work.”
She also thanked her mother for supporting her in her decisions, especially in the last one month, on Mother’s Day:
It is too be recalled that, this is not the first time when Priyanka Chopra's brother's wedding got called off, a few years back also, Sidharth's marriage was cancelled at the end moment with his then ladylove Kanika Mathur.