New Delhi: Bollywood actress Sameera Reddy, who is pregnant with her second child, radiated pregnancy glow in her baby shower ceremony. The ‘Race’ actress and her husband Akshai Varde are expecting their second baby together. The couple, who is parents to three-year-old Hans Varde, is excited to welcome a new member into their lives.

Sameera’s family members recently hosted a baby shower for the soon-to-be mommy. Donning a yellow Kanchipuram saree, the beautiful actress looked lovely and flaunted her million dollar smile in her photos.  The ‘De Dana Dhan’ actress shared several photos and videos from her ‘Godh Bharai’ on Instagram.

PIC: Pregnant Sameera Reddy flaunts her baby bump as she chills with sisters- Meghna & Sushama

Sharing a heartwarming family photo with hubby and son, Sameera wrote, ‘’Hearty laughter and inner smiles is enough to keep me happy for a lifetime ! My Godh Bharai Bliss.’’

Sameera was beaming with joy as she posed for the cameras. Check out some more photos from her baby shower ceremony.

Sameera's gang of girls were present at her 'Godh Bharai' and the actress shared a beautiful photo with them on social media. The caption for the photo read, ''Every girl needs a tribe and I’m super lucky to have the best ! ''

Sameera, who looked radiant in a yellow saree, shared an adorable photo with her mom along with a heartfelt caption. ''All that I am and I hope to be is your bright energy and your resilience mama. I know I am a good mom to Hans because you were there to show me the way,'' she captioned the picture.

Sameera, who is due for delivery next month, posted a cute video in which she can be seen teasing and tickling her hubby.

''Love is bugging your serious businessman husband ❤️ This is Us! #myhusband. Mr. @vardenchi, the actress wrote while sharing the video.

Sameera also thanked her mother-in-law for making her baby shower ceremony so special for her. She wrote, ''A Godh Bharai is all about abundance & blessings for the new baby ❤️ Special thank you to my mother in law for making it so special. Love this beautiful Copper Thali Set! ''

(Swipe to see the photos)

Sameera treated her fans with a beautiful video from the baby shower ceremony and we are sure you will love it. From her son clicking her pictures to her mother-in-law & mom showering love on her, the video had it all. The video might bring tears to your eyes (of course, happy tears).

Sameera wrote in her post, ''I wanted to celebrate the people who stood by me these last few years. When I felt down and out and couldn’t get up . My husband, in laws, my family and friends were by my side. This Godh Bharai video is just not about the little one , it’s to give thanks to finding myself again . Maybe this baby gave me the strength to and for that I’m ever grateful . To my Instafam I share this with you guys because now you are part of this journey ❤️ Thank you to this wonderful team of storytellers who caught every moment so naturally.''

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