New Delhi: Bollywood actor Prateik Babbar tied the knot with his girlfriend Sanya Sagar on January 23 in an intimate ceremony in Lucknow in the presence of their family members and close friends. The couple got married after dating each other for two years. The ‘Baaghi 2’ actor had shared a bold picture with his wife on Valentine’s Day 2019 in which Sanya posed topless. Although, Prateik deleted the photo later, it managed to create quite a stir on social media.

Prateik Babbar and wife Sanya Sagar are currently enjoying a romantic vacation in Los Angeles. The ‘Mulk’ actor shared several pictures on Instgram from his dreamy vacation. In of the photos, Prateik can be seen locking lips with his wife. From getting goofy to indulging in some PDA, the actor posted several cute photos.

Check them out right here! (Swipe to see all the photos)

Actor Akshay Oberoi and Prateik’s half-brother Aarya Babbar dropped their comments on the post.

(Source- Instagram)

Prateik also shared four more pictures from his trip on social media. Check them out!

Prateik Babbar’s wife Sanya Sagar also posted a photo in which the actor can be seen kissing on her cheeks.

On the professional front, Prateik Babbar was last seen in the web series ‘Four More Shots Please’. The actor, who made his Bollywood debut with ‘Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na’, has ‘Chhichhore’ and ‘Brahmastra’ in his kitty. He is the son of veteran actor Raj Babbar and late actress Smita Patil.

PICS! Prateik Babbar & Sanya Sagar seal it with a ‘KISS of LOVE’ at their wedding reception

Talking about Sanya, she is a graduate from NIFT in fashion communication. She also holds a diploma in filmmaking from London Film Academy.

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