New Delhi: Neha Kakkar, who is one of the most sought after singers in Bollywood, has often grabbed eyeballs because of her love life. Her much-publicized break-up with actor Himansh Kohli had set many tongues wagging. Neha had even revealed that she slipped into depression post her break-up. The talented singer is once again in news after rumours of her dating ‘Indian Idol 10’ contestant’ Vibhor Parashar hit the internet. Neha was the judge of the singing reality show, which beamed on Sony TV.

Speculations are rife that Neha Kakkar is now dating Vibhor Parashar. Although, Neha is yet to react to the rumours, Vibhor has squashed all the rumours. The aspiring singer, while talking to an entertainment portal, denied dating the ‘Ankh Mare’ singer.

“You should take it as a rumour. People have shit mentality. If someone is helping you build your career, it is because they see some talent in you. Just because I don’t tag her as didi (sister) on Instagram, everyone starts thinking that she is my girlfriend,’’ Vibhor told Bollywoodlife.

The ‘Indian 10 contestant’ further said Neha is an inspiration for him.  "I'm Vibhor Parashar because of her. I really respect her and people know me because of her and obviously, also because of my hard work. So, I don't even feel like responding to these rumours. Mera dimaag kharab hota hai when I hear these things (I get irritated when I hear these things)," Vibhor told the portal.

Neha Kakkar, who has sung the reprised version of ‘o Saki Saki’ for ‘Batla House’, is currently busy with her international concert tour. Vibhor Parashar and Kunal Pandit are also part of the tour.

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