New Delhi: Telugu superstar Prabhas has managed to win the hearts of the audience with his power-packed performance in all his films. The actor is known as the 'King of Box Office' post the success of the 'Baahubali' franchise. Prabhas starrer 'Darling' will successfully complete 10 years of release on Thursday (April 23), His fans have not been able to contain their excitement as they have already started a trend on Twitter. Yes, you read that right.

Fans couldn't keep their calm and trended the hashtag #DecadeForClassicDarling with sheer joy, as a countdown to the D-day. Interestingly, Prabhas is popularly called Darling Prabhas by his fans. The hulking fanbase of the 'Saaho' star is pouring in all their love and excitement towards their superstar.

Also READ| From ‘Baahubali’ To ‘Saaho’: Times When Prabhas Made Dashing Entry In His Films

A fan tweeted, "In last Decade #Prabhas First movie is #Darling a Classy love story and ruled entire decade like a boss. This Decade he is starting with #Prabhas20, a love story again and hopefully will go on to dominate even more Open hands #DecadeForClassicDarling."

“Darling in not just reel life but also, in real life”, fans are leaving no stone unturned to show their love. Check out the tweets!

'Darling', a rom-com featured Prabhas and Kajal Aggarwal in lead roles. The film had the perfect spice of action and romance. The A. Karunakaran directorial focused on the love story of Prabhas and Nandini, two childhood friends who met again at his father's reunion party. 'Darling' had set the cash registers jingling during its run at the theatres.

On the professional front, Prabhas will be next seen in Nag Ashwin's upcoming film.

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