Shahid Kapoor and wife Mira Rajput recently confirmed that they are expecting baby no 2. The parents-to-be shared a super-cute picture of their baby daughter Misha titled Big Sister and made this happy announcement in style on social media.

And for the first time post confirming the baby news, the couple was spotted today after visiting the doctor's clinic. Mommy-to-be Mira shared a photo of her growing baby-bump on her Instagram story as she clicked an adorable selfie of herself in car on their way to the clinic.

Mira Rajput's lunch outing with Mom Bela, dewar Ishaan Khatter & his Dhadak co-star Janhvi Kapoor!

Screenshot of Mira's Instagram story

The mommy-to-be Mira's baby bump is quite visible in the pic, meanwhile a fan club of the actor shared a pic of the couple outside the doctor's clinic:

Like a doting hubby, Shahid made sure to accompany his wife to the doctor in her early stage of pregnancy.Few days back to Mira was snapped with daughter Misha on the Mumbai beach where her baby-bump was evident:

Mira Rajput with daughter Misha while strolling on the beach

Mira with her mom who is holding her baby Misha after their lunch outing recently