Bollywood actress & ex judge of ‘MTV Roadies’ Esha Deol welcomed her first child, baby girl Radhya Takhtani, with hubby Bharat Takhtani on 20th October last year. Ever since then, the new parents are super-happy & are enjoying nurturing their little princess. Few days ago, the 'Dhoom' & 'No Entry' actress finally shared the first pic of her baby girl after six months of her birth. Recently, on 13th May, Esha Deol celebrated her first mother's day with baby Radhya by cutting a cake.

Esha & hubby Bharat with baby Radhya (Photo: Instagram)

Esha's hubby BHarat Takhtani posted few pictures from the mother's day celebration on his Instagram account. In the pictures, Radhya is in mommy Esha's arms & they are celebrating the occasion with other moms & their babies. Bharat captioned the pictures as, "Esha’s 1st Mother’s Day ❤️ with all the mommies and babies in the house !!! #radhyatakhtani"

Check out the adorable pictures here:

Esha Deol & Radhya's mother's day celebration (Photo: Instagram)

WATCH: Bollywood's new mommy Esha Deol dances her heart out at a FAMILY WEDDING! INSIDE PICS & VIDEO!

(Photo: Instagram)

Esha got married to businessman Bharat Takhtani in 2012 and nearly after five years and the couple welcomed their little bundle of joy Radhya.

Esha Deol, who hasn't been seen on the big screen for a while, is all set to make her acting comeback too. She will play a chef in a Hindi short film titled "Cakewalk". The film is to be directed by her mother Hema Malini's biographer Ram Kamal Mukherjee, and Abhra Chakraborty. In the short, Esha will depict the professional and personal journey of a woman in Indian society.

Coming back to the mother's day celebration, isn't the mother-daughter duo looking too cute in the pictures? Do tell us in the comment section!