After Kangana Ranaut, Deepika Padukone & Aishwarya Rai Bachchan slaying 'Cannes Film Festival 2018' with their style, newly-married Sonam Kapoor made a stunning appearance on the red carpet as she walked the Croisette in an ivory, embellished lehenga, courtesy Ralph and Russo. The 'Neeraj' actress made heads turns as she looked straight out of fairytale in her outfit at the red-carpet of the prestigious film festival. After her fairy-tale wedding, Sonam Kapoor rocked the Cannes red-carpet with her fashion sense yet again.

Check out some pictures & videos of Sonam Kapoor slaying on the red-carpet (SWIPE LEFT):

AWWW! Newlyweds Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja MISSING each other as the actress reaches Cannes 2018 without hubby!

Art has a unifying power, and proving it at the 71st Cannes Film Festival where Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor and Pakistani actress Mahira Khan shared a warm moment greeting each other here and displayed bonhomie on Monday.

Both the actresses walked the red carpet for cosmetics giant L'Oreal Paris, but before they stepped out, they shared a warm moment together -- as seen in a photograph doing the rounds on social media. Sonam is seen planting a kiss on Mahira's forehead.

Check out the picture here:

Did you know Aishwarya's butterfly dress at Cannes took 3,000 hours to make; Here's all you need to know about her stunning outfit!

Here are the other looks of Sonam Kapoor from her first day at the French Riveria (SWIPE LEFT):

On the professional front, Sonam Kapoor has films like 'Veere Di Wedding', 'Sanju', 'Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga' & 'The Zoya Factor' in her kitty.