Parineeti Chopra, who is currently basking in the success of her latest film ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’, talked about how being related to Priyanka Chopra impacted her career in Bollywood. The actor was a guest on a recent episode of Raj Shamani’s podcast. Parineeti also claimed that favouritism in the industry affected her opportunities.

Parineeti Chopra talks about getting perks for being Priyanka Chopra's cousin

In the interview, Parineeti was asked whether she got any ‘unfair advantage’ for being related to Priyanka. The actor said, “If being related to Priyanka Chopra could’ve helped my career, then I wouldn’t have had any flops in my career. I’ve seen such lows in the last 10 years.”

“Every person who has had some association in the industry is actually under a lot of pressure. You might get your first chance, first audition, first meeting, but after that, you’re on your own and it’s more difficult to prove yourself. The comparisons will never end. So, what happens is, you can be a complete outsider, and it’s very difficult to survive. Or, you could be related to somebody and get that first meeting, but after that, your journey is your own,” the actor added.

Parineeti Chopra asserted that favouritism is the bigger issue in the industry. The actor also added that an actor must be talented and have a good PR game to sustain the Hindi film industry. 

About movie Amar Singh Chamkila

On the work front, Parineeti Chopra played the role of Amarjot Kaur, wife of Amar Singh Chamkila, in Imtiaz Ali directed film 'Chamkila'. In the musical biopic, the filmmaker chronicles the life of legendary Punjabi singer Amar Singh Chamkila. The film was released on Netflix on April 19.

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