New Delhi: An open letter to Kangana Ranaut under headline 'An Open Letter To Kangana Ranaut: India's Icon Of Misplaced Feminism' created a buzz across media platforms.
With many hailing it as one of the best pieces written on the subject, the letter generated close to 5000 tweets on a Sunday evening.

The letter started off as a single piece, but soon spread across the social media platforms like wild fire, with readers in complete agreement.

The letter highlighted the point that the term "feminism" was interpreted wrong by the 'Queen' actress to suit her convenience.
Twitterers soon caught up with this open letter and it trended for more than four hours yesterday.
The most unusual sight with the letter was that it carried three impressions on India and it started trending simultaneously under hashtags 'Hrithik Kangana,' '#AnOpenLetterToKangana' and '#FakeFeminism.'
The evening continued with various opinions being poured in; some of which were, "Arguably the most well written piece on Hrithik Kangana episode," ""Whoever this writer is. She has my respect. Feminism is about truth and not lies," "Barkha Dutt you should have asked her all this," "Face the facts Kangana. Don't hide behind fake feminism" and more.



Here's the letter:

Dear Queen,

I’m writing this open letter to you because I would like to humbly apologize for something really bad that I did.

I doubted you.

The fact of the matter is that I used to think that if someone sends over 3000 emails to someone, some of them with obnoxiously explicit content, it’s called being an obsessed stalker. Though until before your case, I thought that was uncool. I thought that if two people are in a relationship for a period as long as seven years, then there would be more than just words and claims to prove that relationship.

I was enlightened, my lady, as I watched your data-slimstat-type="0" data-slimstat-callback="true" data-slimstat-tracking="true">video with Barkha Dutt. Though you could turn any woman on, I must share my secret philosophy: I think she really likes you. And who wouldn’t? You are a true queen. Anyone would look shabby before your stance and the way you talk. I mean, no other woman in Bollywood has this kind of righteous political incorrectness as you do. None other gets her way – by hook or by crook – as you do.

For a moment, my mind wandered. The interview looked more like a mutual admiration club, where was it pre decided on the context of the questions to be all around feminism? (Which my simple mind didn’t see how connected to what actually happened between ‘two adults’)

But boy, did you manage to turn tables! No wonder they call you the icon of feminism. When you “broke up” with your “silly ex”, the names Twitter called you were so uncalled for! I’m so glad that this topic of hard core feminism has been cleared out and you’re on the throne again. Queen of Bollywood: so righteous.

However, when I was in sin, these thoughts occurred to me: if a man stalks a woman with 3000 emails and alleges her of being in a shady relationship with him, and she then brushed it off before the media, then they would call it harassment and he would be seen as a potential rapist.

But then how dare I think that the same rules should apply for women?


We are innocent all.the.time! Thank you for showing me that.

I heard Hrithik proposed to you in Paris? But then they said that his passport didn’t have any stamps? They never speculated that he could have entered France through various countries – there is always room to doubt everyone’s claims – but yours, of course.

And now I listen to your claims that Hrithik Roshan hacked into your mail account and deleted all the mails that he had written to you. Wow, Dhoom must’ve really taught him some tricks. I mean, who would believe that he could deny all of it AND erase proof? But don’t worry Kangana, we’re with you. We are with you because you are a feminist and that too who hails from a small town.

I have always believed myself to be a true feminist. I’ve always thought that misogyny is bad (glad to know you think so to, from the Barkha interview). But then India you see… Stupid women-hatred abounds. I’m sure that they’re trying to pull you down. As is Mr. Roshan. I don’t care how often he denies that he wasn’t linked to you. I trust YOU, Queen. You are a feminist, and a strong independent woman who has seen a lot in life, and I’m sure that by virtue of being a woman, you HAVE to be right.

Because lying is a Y-chromosome trait: women don’t lie. Especially not Queens.

Allow me to admire another one of your statements:

There is a vital point of consent here, Kangana. If you have flaunted your body and desires onto someone who is not interested then it’s a case of sexual trespassing and harassment. And we feminists have to be “today” enough to accept that men can feel sexually harassed too.

As a public figure, you are changing lives. I’m proud that you fight for men’s rights too. In such a scenario, I understand not how anyone can doubt your character?

I’m sure you can never imply that stalking = being open about your body and desires. You seem sensible enough (at least before the interviewers) that you wouldn’t take this issue lightly.

Well done, Kangana Ranaut. Pehle kisi ko stalk karo, up to criminal limits, and then use the “woman” card to put on a show of being innocent and honorable. You really are a Queen – a Pageant Queen! Somehow, you will turn anything and everything into world issues! You are well versed in turning tables, I see. You almost had me fooled.

But here’s where you slipped. Staging for the world to think that you are oh-so-righteous and oh-so-modest by diverting from the issue and talking about feminism and how being called names doesn’t affect you? Please save it for someone who was born yesterday.

Or, since we saw obvious factual defeat of yours in front of your claims, you thought, India is going all gaga over the term feminism; it’s the latest buzz word, let’s ride the wave and deflect everyone’s attention from the main agenda and turn the entire debate into man vs. ‘poor’ women?

Seasoned politician, eh!

And for god’s sake, brush up your common sense! Feminism and misogyny have nothing to do with your obsessive relationship with someone imaginary. If you are actually as rebellious as you show, then when someone is claiming they weren’t involved, prove it through facts. Or shut up, accept it and apologize!

Lady, you are setting up a bad example. You are staining what true feminists in the country are working for.  We are working for equality and anyone who is running away from facts can’t find refuge in feminist arguments.

Any strong, independent woman would not care to insinuate a relationship. She will either be silent about it or openly speak about it and claim responsibility for her statements.

So my dear queen, thank you for getting equally paid in a patriarchal society. But keep the politics out and say sorry. That’s how royals behave. Not that you are one.

Yours truly
NOT sorry