New Delhi: Actor Akshay Kumar on Tuesday dropped the teaser of his upcoming film ‘OMG 2’. The film, a sequel to the 2012 film OMG-Oh My God, also stars Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam. Akshay shared the teaser on Instagram and captioned it, “Rakh vishwas (have faith).”   

The teaser shows Akshay Kumar and Lord Shiva and Pankaj Tripathi as a believer. The teaser starts with Pankaj Tripathi talking about how God doesn’t differentiate between a believer and an atheist. With this, he refers to Paresh Rawal’s character from its 2012 prequel. It shows Pankaj Tripathi's character Kanti Sharan Mudgal worshiping Lord Shiva with utmost dedication. The teaser shows how Akshay Kumar (playing Lord Shiva) comes to help Pankaj Tripathi. 

'OMG 2' has been written and directed by Amit Rai. The film is the second installment of 'Oh My God!', which was released in 2012. The satirical comedy-drama film was based on the Gujarati stage-play Kanji Virudh Kanji, which itself was inspired by the Billy Connolly film The Man Who Sued God.   

'Oh My God 2' is reportedly set against the backdrop of sex education in India.  

Viacom18 Studios and Akshay's Cape of Good Films jointly produced the movie. In 'OMG 2', Arun Govil, who played Rama in Ramanand Sagar's TV series Ramayan, will reportedly reprise his legendary role of Lord Rama.   

Yami, who also plays a pivotal role in the film, Yami had earlier mentioned that she had a great time while shooting for the film. “Akshay is a very good producer also, and someone who is very passionate about this film. When I was given the narration I could feel that he really wants to make it with the right team. Of course, whatever chance I got to work with Pankaj Tripathi ji also, such a fantastic actor. With the new writing, there is another perspective which is very relevant, talked about, yet not talked about. So that will be interesting to see,” Yami said. 

The film will clash with another sequel - Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel starter 'Gadar 2'. The film is a sequel of the 2001 blockbuster 'Gadar' starring the two as the lead.