Bollywood actress Nimrat Kaur, who was last seen playing the lead role in ALTBalaji's much-acclaimed web-series 'The Test Case', is back in the news. There are reports that the 'Lunchbox' actress is dating former Indian cricketer & current team coach Ravi Shastri since last two years now. The dating rumors spread like wildfire and now Nimrat Kaur has finally reacted on the same. Nimrat took to her social media account and has rubbished the news of dating Ravi Shastri.

Nimrat Kaur (Photo: Instagram)

Nimrat tweeted, "Fact: I may need a root canal. Fiction: Everything else I read about me today. More facts: Fiction can be more hurtful, monday blues exist and I love ice cream. Here’s to trash free happy days ahead."

PICS! When Nimrat Kaur turned into a ROYAL PRINCESS at the Amazon India Fashion Week!

Check out her tweet below:

However, Ravi Shastri is yet to react on the same.

Both of them are the brand ambassadors of Audi since 2015 and were spotted together at various launch events of the German luxury carmaker brand.

Nimrat with Ravi Shastri at an event (Photo: Web)

For the uninitiated, Ravi Shastri got married to Ritu Shastri in 1990 & they also have a daughter named Aleka Shastri. But, the couple is now living separately for years now.

On the professional front, the 'Airlirft' actress is yet to announce her next project whereas Ravi Shastri is currently in England with the Indian cricket team for a test match series.