Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have become the talk of town ever since they made their relationship official. The two lovebirds threw an engagement party for their close friends and family members on Saturday after having their roka ceremony earlier in the day. PeeCee’s cousin Parineeti Chopra, Alia Bhatt and ‘Padmaavat’ director Sanjay Leela Bhansali were some of the celebs who attended the bash at a five-star hotel in Mumbai. After having their engagement celebrations, the ‘Quantico’ actress and her fiancé visited an orphanage, bringing a smile on the faces of the children. Nick Jonas shared a video on his Instagram story where our ‘Desi’ girl can be seen dancing to her hit song ‘Tune Maari Entriyaan’ along with a kid.

The ‘Jealous’ singer couldn’t help but gush over the love of his life and captioned the video as, "St.Catherine's orphanage today. My heart is full."

Check out the video here.

Seeing Piggy Chops dance on ‘Tune Maari Entriyaan’ brought back all the memories from her film ‘Gunday’, where the actress featured opposite Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh.

(Arjun, Priyanka & Ranveer in a still from the song)

Priyanka’s beau Nick Jonas and his parents Kevin Jonas Sr and Denise Jonas have left for USA in the wee hours of Monday’s morning. The Jonas family was snapped while making their way to the Mumbai international airport.

(Picture credit- Manav Manglani)

Talking about Priyanka, the gorgeous actress will soon resume shooting for her film ‘The Sky Is Pink’. The Shonali Bose directorial co-starring Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim is based on the life of Aisha Chaudhary. The young girl became a motivational speaker after she was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis at the age of 13.

Must See: INSIDE pictures from Priyanka- Nick’s roka ceremony prove they are love-struck

Watch this space for more updates!

WATCH: Priyanka BURNS the DANCE FLOOR at engagement bash as fiancée Nick captures the moment!