Neil Nitin Mukesh and his wife Rukmini Sahay welcomed their first child just two days ago on September 20th as the wife gave birth to their daughter at the Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai at 3:30 p.m in the afternoon. Neil's family has the trend of adding father's name to the name of the child and following this, Neil was named Neil Nitin Mukesh, his singer-father is Nitin Mukesh who was the son of veteran singer Mukesh. Nitin's younger brother is Naman Nitin Mukesh. Now the new addition to the family, the 2 days old princess is named 'Nurvi' and no they didn't add 'Neil Nitin Mukesh' to it but the little one carries this tradition ahead with just the two out of these three words added to her name. Daddy Neil just announced her full name which is 'Nurvi Neil Mukesh'.

Neil tweeted the name of her daughter on Twitter an hour ago with the message that read - "Rukmini and I are proud to announce the arrival of our darling daughter, Nurvi. The entire Mukesh family is elated. Both mother and daughter are well by the Grace of God

Neil's name which is the mix of three different names, has been popular among comedians and it is one of the favorite topics for them. The actor himself has joined in some comedy acts by comedian Sanket Bhosle that involved his name.

Like the one below. 'Super Nights' on Sony TV. Watch:

ALSO - Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh’s wife Rukmini’s grand BABY SHOWER PICS!

Another Bollywood actor Shahid recently revealed his newborn baby boy's name to be 'Zain Kapoor', after everyone thought he would name her on the lines of daughter 'Misha' which was a mix of both his and Mira Rajput's name. With the arrival of Neil's daughter, fans looked forward to what Neil names his daughter.

A fan suggests a name for 'Neil Nitin Mukesh''s daughter, upon her arrival

And finally the actor sheds the name of his father 'Nitin' and gives his daughter just the two words out of his name... Nurvi Neil Mukesh.

And what is the meaning of Nurvi?

Well, it is not a very common name and as per the information on the web, Nurvi is a sanskrit word which means 'precious' and "Who spreads love everywhere as blessing"- reads info on Google.

How do you find her name and didn't we like the idea of retaining only 'Neil' and 'Mukesh' from the father's name!

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