Mumbai: Support for Tanushree Dutta, who alleged Bollywood veteran Nana Patekar of harassing her, is growing by the day, as actors Neha Dhupia and Soha Ali Khan voiced their support for the former saying "it's time when people need to hear women out more seriously". "We have seen the footage. We have seen the fact that people were pushing her car. The fact that she is waking up 10 years later, that's not the point," she said.

VIDEO: Nana Patekar holds a press conference; Reacts to Tanushree Dutta's sexual harassment allegation!

'Aashiq Banaya Aapne' actor Tanushree had claimed that she and her family were attacked after she refused to perform some intimate steps with Patekar during the shooting of the film 'Horn Ok Pleasss' in 2008. However, Patekar has refuted the allegations and sent a legal notice to Tanushree.

Dhupia further added that it is time to wake up and question the men. "Let's question the people who are on the line of fire. Let's question the men, let's listen to the women more carefully. Let's not turn a blind eye, let's not turn a deaf ear to the situation and to what's happening. It's time to wake up guys," she added.

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Seconding Dhupia's opinion, Soha appreciated the fact that women are finally speaking up. "It is very difficult being a woman sometimes in a country like India. They go through a lot of abuse on a daily basis," she said.

"Women need to be encouraged when they do that. So it's a wonderful thing that it's being spoken about. I completely stand in support any woman who wants to share her story," Soha added.